MR Painting vs Physical Painting

February 28, 2022

People have been painting for thousands of years, and it has always been a beautiful form of art. However, with the advent of technology, artists have been exploring new mediums to express their creativity. From digital canvases to mixed reality, there are various options available for artists to create their masterpieces. In this blog post, we will compare MR painting and physical painting, providing a factual and unbiased comparison. So, let's dive in!

What is MR painting?

Mixed Reality (MR) painting involves using a headset, a set of controllers, and a specialized program to create art in a digital environment. This environment mimics the real world, with the added benefit of being able to manipulate virtual objects and control parameters that a physical painting can't offer.

What is physical painting?

Physical painting, on the other hand, is a traditional way of painting, involving a brush, a palette, and a canvas. The process of physical painting requires specific skills and techniques to create a balanced and visually appealing artwork.


Now, let's compare MR painting and physical painting based on a few critical aspects:


One of the main benefits of MR painting is it is possible to get started with little or no cost. All you need is a VR headset and a compatible program. Physical painting, on the other hand, can be more expensive, with the cost of materials, canvas, brushes, and paints that can add up quickly.

Learning Curve

While traditional painting requires specific skills and techniques, MR painting can be more accessible for newcomers. This is because MR painting requires less time to learn and offers more flexibility in undoing mistakes.

Output Quality

The quality of the final output depends on both the artist's skills and the tools they use. MR painting offers precise control over aspects like perspective, lighting, and color accuracy which can be a bit more difficult to achieve in physical painting. However, physical painting allows for physical textures and the ability to mix thick paints to creates rich textures which can be difficult to replicate virtually.

User Experience

MR painting offers a whole new level of immersion, allowing artists to be fully immersed in their work. It offers the ability to manipulate a world beyond that of a physical canvas, creating a unique and dynamic experience for the user. Physical painting, while still a rewarding and enjoyable process, can be seen as more limiting in this respect.


Both forms of painting have their unique advantages and disadvantages, and it’s up to the artist to decide which form best suits their needs. While MR painting might be a great avenue for expressing creativity in new and exciting ways, physical painting is and will likely always be a beloved and timeless art form.

I hope this comparison has given you a more in-depth understanding of MR painting and physical painting. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.


  • What is MR painting? source
  • Traditional Painting Techniques source

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